
You’ve been hacked: Now what?

Lawyers have an obligation to safeguard client data and notify clients of data breaches, and the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility has issued a formal opinion that reaffirms that duty. In Formal Opinion 483, issued in October, the standing committee also provided new guidance to help attorneys take reasonable steps to meet this obligation. “Lawyers today face…

Caselaw Access Project gives free access to 360 years of American court cases

A major project digitizing court cases launched Monday, making available 6.4 million American cases dating back to 1658. The Caselaw Access Project—a partnership between Harvard Law School’s Library Innovation Lab and the legal research company Ravel Law—spent the last three years digitizing 627 reporters for a total of 40 million scanned pages. Outside of the Library of Congress, it is the…

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