Actus Curiae

Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s v. Lago Grande 5-D Condo. Ass’n, Inc.

By: David A. Mervine Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s v. Lago Grande 5-D Condo. Ass’n, Inc., No. 3D21-636, 2022 WL 1397382 (Fla. Ct. App. May 4, 2022). This matter came before the appellate court on appeal from the Trial Court Order Compelling Appraisal of a loss arising from Hurricane Irma submitted by the Lago Grande 5-D Condominium Association.  After an investigation,…

Luz Cintron and Agustine Cintron v. Edison Insurance Company

By: David A. Mervine Luz Cintron and Agustine Cintron v. Edison Insurance Company 339 So. 3d 459 (Fla 2d DCA May 18, 2022) This matter came before the Second District Court of Appeals following an Order dismissing with prejudice the Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint alleging an action for declaratory relief. The defendant insurance company has issued a homeowners insurance policy…

Total Care Restoration, LLC a/a/o Annie Griffiths v. Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

By: Allison J Van Fleet District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida, Fourth District No. 4D21-798 April 20, 2022 The Fourth District Court of Appeals addressed whether the 10-day notice requirement of Fla. Stat. § 627.7152(9) (regarding pre-suit notice for assignment of benefits (AOB)) applied to an AOB executed after the effective date of the statute, when the…

Roberto and Georgina Cardelle v. Scottsdale Insurance Company

By: David A. Mervine United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11705 2022 WL 196294 January 21, 2022 The Plaintiffs sued Scottsdale for breach of a homeowner’s insurance contract in the Circuit Court for Miami Dade County. Scottsdale removed the case to the district court for the Southern District of Florida and moved…

People’s Trust Insurance Company v. Theodore R. Foster

By: David A. Mervine 2022 WL 221254 District Court of Appeals, First District, January 2022 This matter came before the Court on the Petitioner/Defendant insurer’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari quashing the trial Court’s Order compelling the production of underwriting manuals. The position of the insurer was that the manuals were undiscoverable in a breach of contract cases, like the…

LMP Holdings, Inc. v. Scottsdale Insurance Company

By: Oliver B. Clark The above cause came before the Southern District of Florida’s Miami Division upon Defendant, Scottsdale’s, Motion for Summary Final Judgment against Plaintiff, LMP Holdings. The Court entered summary final judgment in favor of Defendant for the following reasons. Plaintiff, LMP Holdings, Inc., filed suit against its insurer, Scottsdale Insurance Company, for breach of contract and declaratory…

SFR Services, LLC v. Indian Harbor Insurance Company

By: Marjorie M. Salazar Case No. 2:21-cv-179-SPC-NPM, 2021 WL 2825953 (M.D. Fla. Jul. 7, 2021) In this Hurricane Irma property-damage case, the Court denied Indian Harbor’s Renewed Motion to Dismiss in which it challenged SRF’s Assignment of Benefits’ validity because it did not comply with Florida law. Specifically, the assignment did not “contain a written, itemized, per-unit cost estimate of…

People’s Trust Insurance Company v. Vincent Farinato and Bernadette Farinato

By: Jadee A. Pope 2021 WL 1310947 (Fla. 4th DCA 4/7/2021) People’s Trust appealed a final judgment on attorney’s fees and costs entered for the Insureds. The Fourth Circuit agreed the Insureds were not entitled to attorney’s fees and costs. The Insureds reported a Hurricane Irma claim to People’s Trust on August 2, 2018. On September 6, 2018, People’s Trust…

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